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Data Privacy Notice

Confidentiality/ GDPR

What information do I hold and why?

I hold your data with respect, confidence and safety and take any personal details that you share with me seriously.

I hold any data that you share with me securely on my own personal work system of which is password protected and secure to me.

Your data may include:

Your Name and Date of Birth

Contact Information Consisting of

Email Address & Telephone Number

Residing Address

Next of Kin or Trusted Contactable Other with their Consent.

Why do I hold your data?

I may make brief notes from our sessions to help facilitate your therapy and these are locked in a secure cabinet in my private office and be kept only for as long as is necessary and the purpose in which they are intended for therapy and then disposed of in line with my Professional Insurance recommendations and with my Professional Body.

Your sessions are confidential  but where I am compelled by a court of law, or where information that you share with me is of such a nature ie fraud, crime, terrorism, harm to others, I would need to break that confidentiality.


You can request access to your information by writing to me and this is known as Subject to Access Request (SAR).

I work in accordance with the Office of Data Protection Authority (ODPA) Number DPA 1578 and I ensure that I take responsibility to hold your data safely and securely.

You can also find more information on how your data is held  by contacting:

Block A Lefebvre Street.

St. Peter Port , GY1 2JP, Tel: 01481 742074 or by emailing info@odpa.gg

I am both the data controller and data processor for Serenity Counselling Guernsey and a Subject to Access Request may be made by emailing Karla directly at karla@serenitycounselling.gg

I am legally allowed to work in other jurisdictions taking in to account individual laws when working with others residing outside of the Channel Islands and the UK.
